Monday, March 09, 2009

I finally started a twitter account - - I have a feeling it will keep me from this freaking blog even more.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Check out this article:

Is this really surprising?? For those of you who know me, you watched the experiences my family had with my older brother. Granted he was usually a fool in police presence, but as a juvenile they once beat him so badly they put him in the hospital. They kept him there for many hours before my parents were notified of his whereabouts and we later found out they told him my parents didn't want to see him. I know there are "youngins" who need discipline. However, this gives no right to our justice system to treat them immorally.

That's just my two cents of course...

Monday, January 19, 2009

On MLK's b-day and the eve of the inauguration I can't help but reflect on the past year and how much things around me have changed in a positive way. I left an absolutely crazy job for much more sanity and then took on some extra responsibilities to complicate life because, well, it was just too easy :) I'm busy, but it doesn't feel like I am losing control of my happiness. I am finally teaching, a goal of mine for a long time, and looking forward to a strategic marketing project at Booz Allen that will allow me reach my full potential as a professional. I have a gorgeous condo (despite it's declining value and constant need for repairs...or reno jobs I create), amazing family and friends, a strong support system, and love I have never experienced. I don't believe in making resolutions or even the new year. However, I am definitely going to live day by day with the same faith and consistency as I have for the past year. Watch out...2009 may be the year this Manigross pushes beyond any boundaries.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

MSNBC Investigates - Caught on Camera: Teens Gone Wild

Seriously, what the hell is going on? I know this investigation is old, but I am seeing it replayed on TV tonight. Crimes youths in poverty and minorities commit are plastered on every major newspaper daily. Yet there are suburban teens who are going absolutely wild thinking it's cool. Young girls being hazed and covered in feces, boys beating one another to prove they are in a "gang", and females trying to impress boys by assaulting another female are only a few examples of the things going on across the country. I don't consider this behavior as "boys being boys" and "teen girls having insecurities". It is blatant discontent of authority and rules, knowing their punishment will be minimal if any is enforced. I'm not saying set an example of one individual who tries to jump on the bandwagon, however these youths need to be held accountable to the same degree as those who sell drugs or commit burglary. A crime is a crime and should be treated as such.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I don't know how or why you fall into love with someone. Every person around me seems to being falling out of love or trying to avoid the emotion all together. I can't help but question what love is or how it feels. Why when you think you love someone completely without any bounds you can't see eye to eye on at least one big part of life? How is it that another you could give two damns about wants everything you do? When does it all come together? Where can you feel happiness when love seems so out of reach?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Now that I've left Freeman and am living more of a "normal" life I think I can once again be creative. I know I've said this several times, but sometimes it takes a big fall to find the ground again. The biggest risk I've taken was leaving the Big Blue. It was scary, sad, and relieving all at once. Maybe it's because I'm a girl I got so mixed up in emotions. Regardless I am in such a better position now. I still am finding my ground at Booz Allen, but at least I have my mental and physical health...a lot more than what I can say for the past four years. So hopefully you'll find this site as a doorway into my soul, but at the very least visit just to laugh at me being sarcastic or nonsensical.